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I am in Guishan Island and want to send this postcard to you

2024-01-09 00:00:00

We hid the natural scenery of Guishan in postcards

Today, by postcard

Let's experience the beauty of this island


We met in Guishan

Every part of the sea here has a different scenery

From "Spring Romance" to "Summer Cicadas singing"

From "Pleasant Autumn" to "Warm Early Winter"

Scene after scene, picture after picture

In Guishan, sunset, sunset, lighthouse and starry sky

Every frame is a picture worth saving

Enjoy the unique mountain and sea scenery of the road around the island

A magnificent sunset overlooking the harbor

Strolling through the street facing the sea

Meet the beach, embrace the sea

Surging waves, white spray

Listen to the sound of the sea, feel the touch of the wind

In the quiet night, looking at the stars


Please take this postcard about Guishan

The beautiful GUI Mountain we met

I wish you could see it, too

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