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Has the New Year flag been raised? Finish these "small goals" first!

2024-01-03 00:00:00

The year is drawing to a close

The new 2024 is coming to us

It's time to raise the flag again

Rather than lofty ideals

Let's implement those first

Seemingly insignificant

In fact, it is related to the happiness index "small goal" it!

Swim an island

Whether you're a photographer

Or prefer the island's seclusion

Guishan Island is an ideal destination

Endless blue water

A photogenic lighthouse on the embankment

The patriotic feelings of the Battle of Wanshan Sea

Rich fishing village cultural landscape

Can make you feel the diversity of this island

See a sunrise

Who doesn't look forward to the first sunrise of the New Year

The sunrise on the island will not disappoint

When the first light comes

The sky was set against the waves of the sea and the mountains

The heart is full of hope and strength

【 Warm reminder: Friends who want to see the sunrise can go to the visitor service center to book a sightseeing car in advance 】

Go for a hike

If you are a hiking enthusiast

The road around Guishan Island must not be missed

A 4.5km roundabout road

The vision is vast, the mountains and the sea are connected

Enjoy Dolphin Bay, Hong Kong Lantau Island,

The unique island scenery of Guishan such as the Big and small Aschia Island

Experience a sea fishing experience

The freshwater fishing is not satisfactory

It's better to go fishing in Guishan Island

Golden pomfret, three knife fish, stone nine male fish... There are not enough

High quality Marine resources

So you'll never leave empty-handed

Enjoy a big meal

Seafood is everywhere

Guishan food is mainly a fresh and fierce

Precious ingredients rarely seen on the market

Authentic Cantonese cooking techniques

Let Guishan Island be

The nearest gourmet treasure from Zhuhai city

These "small goals"

It must be easy for you

All it takes is a weekend

You can start the year in a good mood

Come to Guishan Island to be a happy islander!

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