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Wen Tianxiang Square

Wen Tianxiang Square covers an area of about 8,000 square meters. The planning and design of the square takes Wen Tianxiang's life story as the main line: four cultural columns stand at the entrance, which is the portrayal of Wen Tianxiang's life of "determination, service to the country, righteousness and dedication". There are scene sculptures on the left and right sides of the square, which tell the stories of Wen Tianxiang and Zhang Shijie, Yin Yu, Du Hu and others.

Walking up the steps, there is a statue of Wen Tianxiang in the shape of a military general in the middle of the square, 5.5 meters high. Wen Tianxiang holds a treasure sword and looks out at the mouth of the Pearl River, facing the map of China on the ground, which confirms his glorious deeds of defending his home and country to the death. On the left and right sides of the statue stands a forest of 20 Wen Tianxiang poems written by contemporary famous calligraphers such as Chen Yongzheng.