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Let the wind of democracy and rule of law blow all over the island

2022-09-30 12:01:01

Guishan Village in Guishan Town has been selected as a model village (community) for democracy and rule of law in Guangdong Province in 2022. In recent years, Guishan Town, Zhuhai City, with the innovation of grassroots social governance model as the core, promotes the integration of autonomy, rule of law, rule of virtue and wise governance, and strives to build a new pattern of island governance, letting the wind of democracy and rule of law blow throughout Guishan Island.


It is understood that Guishan town to promote the normalization of democratic management, to build Guishan town children's council, youth council, women's council, Guishan village and Guihai village council hall multiple platforms, to build a wide range of multilevel institutionalized democratic consultation system; China has promoted professional governance in accordance with the law, established a mediation room for maritime conflicts and disputes and a pre-visit legal service studio, and hired village lawyers to provide legal services to islanders on a regular basis, serving a total of 172 villagers this year. It has carried out special publicity activities of "sending the Law to fishing rows" and "sending the law to floating fishing boats", and organized 22 on-site law popularization activities and more than 1,200 door-to-door law popularization activities, increasing the atmosphere of rule of law.


We will promote democratic deliberation and pluralistic development


In October last year, the first meeting of Guishan Village Consultative representatives was formally held in the Guishan Village Council Hall. The certificate of the first session of the consultative representatives marked the formal formation of the Guishan Village consultative representatives team and opened a new chapter of community consultation between urban and rural areas.

At the meeting, the delegates had a heated discussion on issues such as "five meetings and three public meetings", "multi-subject review" and the contents of the consultation. Finally, the democratic resolution was passed, and the rules, procedures, contents, and governance mechanism of Guishan Village were passed.

Xie Jinbin, a member of the Party Committee of Guishan Town and the first secretary of the two villages, said: "Guishan Village has basically set up the discussion mechanism. We should make good use of this platform to let consultative democracy really blossom in Guishan village." "It's my great honor to be a deputy," said Zhang Songmin, a delegate after the meeting. "I hope I can do my bit for the people and bring my value into full play."


This is the epitome of Guishan Town building an extensive and multi-tiered institutionalized democratic consultation system. Since 2021, Guishan Town has gradually built a number of platforms for children's council, youth council, women's Council, Guishan Village and Guihai Village council hall. In addition, Guishan Town has also introduced professional social work organizations to carry out the "Guishan Friendly Village Residence Construction Service Project", and to build a harmonious village residence through "online + offline" activities such as large-scale friendly neighborhood tea party, caring business forum, "I praise Guishan Friendly Neighborhood" and the most beautiful photo. Since the beginning of this year, a total of five meetings have been held and seven items of "micro facts concerning people's livelihood" have been agreed upon. 10 rounds of friendly neighbor services have been conducted, and the island residents' sense of "ownership" has been enhanced.


Law popularization activities into the sea island fishing village

A few days ago, a "rule of law propaganda into the village, law awareness into the people's heart" theme Party Day propaganda activities into the Guishan village. At the event, Zou Xinglun, secretary of the General Branch of the Party of Guishan Village, combined with the reality of the village, with plain language, focused on explaining the rights and obligations of inheritance, personal relations between members, property relations, as well as divorce cooling-off period, legal relief and other issues of concern to the masses. The explanation is interspersed with many cases. Through one fresh example after another, the dull laws and regulations in the Civil Code become the "treasure book" of life that villagers can understand, learn and use.


Hold this kind of "ground gas" law popularizing activity, in Guishan town has become normal. As an island town, Guishan town also put the law on the fishing row, mobile fishing boats, so that legal knowledge spread to every corner of the island.


In May this year, the staff of Guishan Town Justice Office went to Guishan Fishing Station to promote the Civil Code with fishery Law, wild animal protection regulations, Rural Revitalization Law and other relevant laws and regulations closely related to fishermen's work and life, so that the fishermen can realize that the Civil Code is not only the code to protect their own rights and interests, but also the norm to be followed. "The Civil code is a law that concerns our own interests and is closely related to our lives. We should study it seriously and put it into practice," fishermen said.



One after another law popularization activities, not only enrich the legal knowledge of Guishan islanders, so that the islanders' legal awareness and the concept of the rule of law continue to improve, so that more islanders take up the legal "weapon" to safeguard their legitimate rights and interests, but also form a strong atmosphere of the rule of law in Guishan town, so that the islanders truly feel the legal help at any time. It creates a good legal environment for maintaining the long-term stability of society and constructing harmonious village residence.


Legal services are unique to the island


Most of the villagers in Guishan Town are fishermen, still engaged in the traditional farming industry, fishing platoon as their home. However, in recent years, as the development of islands has accelerated, floating fishermen and fishing boats have gradually increased, and the interests of fishermen have become increasingly diversified. Some small issues and conflicts cannot be resolved, resulting in difficulties for fishermen to go ashore for mediation. However, most of the fishermen basically live and produce on the fishing row. If they stop production, they have no income, which is equivalent to "stopping by hand and stopping by mouth".


How to solve this problem in the mediation of maritime disputes? To this end, Guishan Town set up the "Guishan Island Sea Fishing Row Dispute Mediation Room" in the sea fishing row, and transferred key personnel from the town and village to the office. In the form of government purchase of services, the village lawyers were sent to the fishing row regularly to promote law and participate in mediation, which further reduced the intermediate links of fishermen, such as frequent travel, frequent inquiries and visits, and improved the service efficiency.



Since 2019, there have been 10 cases of resolving conflicts and disputes at sea, and the number of cases of people being transferred to punishment has dropped significantly. The judicial administrative department investigated and accepted 30 conflicts and disputes, and resolved 30 of them. The success rate of mediation was 100%. The concept of resolving conflicts and disputes was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and the effect of social governance on Guishan Island was further highlighted.

Due to the relatively few legal service resources on the island, Guishan town also hired village lawyers to provide regular legal services for islanders. Since the implementation of "one village one lawyer, one community one legal worker", it has solved many disputes for many villagers and effectively promoted social harmony.

A few days ago, lawyer Guan Guimei received a phone call from the person in charge of Guishan village, let her go to help review a housing lease contract. Early the next morning, Guan Guimei from the city boat to Guishan Island, non-stop to Guishan village committee office. "The law stipulates a maximum lease term of 20 years. Why did you sign for 30 years?" Just a look, Guan Guimei found the first "inappropriate". Guan then spent half an hour scrutinizing every clause of the contract and giving legal advice. "Thank you very much, Guan lawyer, we have no culture, rely on part-time jobs and rental housing in the island life, know nothing about contract matters, have you in our much relieved!" Villager Li Moumou holds Guan Guimei's hand excitedly said.

It is reported that the next step, Guishan town will continue to carry out the provincial democracy and rule of law model village activities, to achieve the town rural establishment participation rate of 100%. At the same time, efforts have been made to promote the rule of law in various fields, constantly enrich the content and forms of law popularization and publicity activities, and gradually establish and improve a law popularization education system featuring the trinity of school, society and family. Strengthen the creation and dissemination of legal culture products with island characteristics with the help of such entity platforms as "Legal Way", legal culture theme park, legal education and practice base for teenagers, and strive to build the legal culture brand of island.

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