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Zhuhai's first island Harvest Festival was held on Guishan Island

2021-09-23 13:33:58

China News network Guangdong News on September 23 On 23rd, the fourth "Chinese Farmers' Harvest Festival" of Zhuhai opened on Guishan Island. With the theme of "Celebrating harvest sense and Party kindness", the Harvest Festival has launched four major theme sections: "Harvest Season" based on agriculture, "Consumption season" with social participation, "Tourism season" with the joy of the whole people, and "Thanksgiving season" with the remembrance of hardships and sweet thoughts, so that Zhuhai citizens and tourists can enjoy the joy of farmers' harvest and harvest results. This is the first time Zhuhai held a series of harvest festival activities on the island.

This harvest festival fully displays the characteristics of fishing island and fishing village in Zhuhai, with seafood as the main agricultural and sideline products on display and sale, nearby fishing scenery and island customs full of "fishing" flavor. Let the public and tourists deeply understand and experience the fruitful results of Zhuhai's "agriculture, rural areas".

At the opening ceremony, Guishan Town government signed cooperation agreements with Nanyue Food and Fisheries Co., LTD., Macau Chamber of Commerce of Hotels and Tourism and other organizations. The signing of this cooperation agreement will promote the export of Zhuhai agricultural and fishery products to Macao, expand sales and help farmers increase income; At the same time, it will promote the development of local rural tourism and island tourism in Zhuhai, and expand the tourism market for Macao.


This harvest festival is rich in content, singing and dancing to celebrate the harvest. The author is Hu Senqing

Zhou Xiaoqing, deputy general manager of Nanyang Food and Fisheries Co., LTD., expressed the hope that through this harvest festival, the characteristic agricultural products of Zhuhai, especially the high-quality seafood such as deep-sea fish and shrimp from Guishan Town, would be introduced to Macao, providing good food materials for Macao citizens, further strengthening the economic and trade cooperation between Zhuhai and Macao, and contributing to the rural revitalization of Zhuhai.

In the process of collective signing, Zhuhai Hengqin Tourism Association signed cooperation agreements with Macao Tourism Chamber of Commerce, Zhuhai Guangdong Cuisine Industry Development Association signed cooperation agreements with Macao Catering Industry Association and Guangdong Dalianyang Marine Biology Co., LTD.

The organizer also takes the Harvest Festival as an opportunity to rely on the local red tourism resources of Guishan Island to launch activities such as red tourism round-the-island clock-in tour, "Harvest feeling and Party Kindness" study camp, and will invite teenagers from Zhuhai and Macao to join the island for study Tours and research activities, allowing students from both places to experience island folk customs, fishing culture and red culture in the process of study. To promote more exchanges and heart-to-heart integration among Zhuhai-Macao youth. 

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