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Garbage classification, "three bags in front of the door" double force! Guishan Town to build a civilized island

2023-02-17 13:39:16

February 14, 2023, organized by Social Affairs Service Center of Guishan Town and undertaken by Zhuhai Dahengqin City Public Resources Management Co., LTD., the garbage classification points Exchange activity was carried out in Guishan Island Cultural Center. By propagating the concept of garbage classification in the activity, the residents of Haidao could know and understand the significance of garbage classification, and the initiative of Haidao residents to participate in garbage classification was guided. The participation rate and awareness rate of island residents should be improved to promote garbage classification in Guishan Town.

The staff prepared prizes for exchange. The prizes were mainly daily necessities, such as garbage sorting bags, laundry detergent, dishwashing detergent and extraction paper. The residents queued up orderly and obeyed the order, waiting to exchange their favorite prizes with their points exchange cards. A total of 196 points exchange cards and 196 small gifts were collected in this activity, which was welcomed and warmly received by island residents. Mr. Li, an island resident, said, "I used the points card to exchange the laundry detergent. I like this activity very much with my neighbors! Garbage classification has been carried out for several years. From not littering in the past, to accurate classification now, the whole island has become clean and tidy."

The point exchange activity is based on the regular and fixed release of household garbage, and will be carried out once a month. The activity will effectively improve the awareness of garbage classification of island residents, improve the quality of garbage classification and residents' civilization, promote the new trend of garbage classification, build a beautiful Xingui Mountain, and contribute to the construction of a civilized city of Zhuhai.

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