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Guishan Island scenic area development roadmap set the tone, tourism development master plan through expert review, clear industrial direction, accelerate the creation of AAAA scenic area

2023-03-01 11:04:46

On March 1, 2023, Yu Qianwen, deputy mayor of Guishan Island, presided over the expert review of the overall plan for tourism development (2022-2035), Guo Qiuhai, deputy secretary of the Party Committee and mayor of the town, Zhuang Weiguang, director of the Guangdong Institute of Social Sciences, Environment and Development, members of the expert group, Zhang Heqing, dean of the School of Tourism Management, Guangzhou University, Chen Yibin, lecturer of the School of Tourism, Sun Yat-sen University, City culture, Radio, television, Tourism and Sports Bureau Resource development Department Yu Tao, Hezhou New District (preparation) social undertakings Bureau tourism group Yang Dong, town economic development office and planning unit Guangzhou five dimensional tourism scenic area planning company responsible for the meeting.

The expert group listened to the report of the "planning" results of the planning unit, combined with the guidance of the municipal Tourism Bureau and the responsible comrade of the district tourism group, through the meeting to review and comment, that the "planning" project background, the status quo of scenic spots, tourism resources and market analysis in place, product project design is comprehensive, tourism service facilities and infrastructure planning is reasonable, and operability is strong. In line with the current construction standards of national AAAA tourist attractions and the requirements of relevant national technical specifications, it has certain guiding significance for the tourism development of Guishan Island scenic spot, and unanimously agreed to pass the evaluation.

At the same time, it put forward constructive opinions on the future development orientation of Guishan Island scenic spot, and suggested that the preparation unit seriously absorb the opinions of the experts and leaders at the meeting, and further modify and improve the results of the "Planning".

Mayor Guo Qiuhai expressed gratitude for the guidance and constructive suggestions put forward by the participating experts and the city and district leaders, stressing that Guishan Town should fully absorb relevant suggestions and suggestions in the next work, clarify the future development orientation of Guishan Island scenic spot, and require the preparation unit to further modify, improve and enhance the planning content, so that the "planning" is more scientific, forward-looking and operational. Help the establishment of Guishan Island national AAAA level tourist attraction.

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