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Guishan People's Congress representatives to promote high-quality development, promote the construction of Guishan red tourism with The Times

2023-03-24 18:00:00

On March 23-24, 2022, the second meeting of the 10th People's Congress of Guishan Town was held in the cultural center of Guishan Town. 43 representatives of the town's People's Congress attended the meeting, the relevant leaders of the preparatory group of the People's Congress Work Office of Hezhou New Area attended the meeting, and the leaders of the party and government teams of other towns and the responsible comrades of the offices of the town government attended the meeting.

The meeting conveyed and learned the spirit of the fifth session of the 13th National People's Congress, deliberated and voted on five people's livelihood projects in Guishan Town in 2022, including "Guishan Town to create a national AAAA level tourist scenic spot supporting - Guishan Town Guishan Village Rural revitalization Village living environment Improvement Project". At the meeting, all the representatives also assessed the satisfaction of the handling of the proposal of the ninth session of the Ninth People's Congress of Guishan Town and the implementation of the people's livelihood project in 2021.

The meeting required that all deputies should, with a high sense of political responsibility, earnestly fulfill their responsibilities entrusted by the Constitution and laws, constantly strengthen their own construction, give full play to the functions and roles of NPC deputies, accelerate the construction of a red tourism demonstration island for Guishan Town, promote the strategy of rural revitalization in the whole region, vigorously develop Marine science and technology and modern Marine fisheries, and vigorously create a national AAAA level tourist attraction. Actively offer suggestions, seek common development strategies, concentrate on promoting the work of Guishan People's Congress in the new era and the high-quality development of Guishan to keep pace with The Times, and meet the victory of the Party's 20th Congress with excellent results.

The conference was successfully closed in the sound of the "National Anthem of the People's Republic of China"!

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