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Seriously to the standard, speed up the optimization work, and make every effort to promote the success of Guishan Island 4A scenic spot

2023-06-30 18:00:00

In order to further improve the tourism infrastructure, strengthen the supervision and management of the scenic spot, and improve the service quality and management level of the A-level scenic spot of Guishan Island, from June 30 to July 1, the Municipal Tourism Association led the scenic spot assessment experts to Guishan Island to carry out the 3A scenic spot review inspection and create 4A guidance.

The group of experts has been to the Guishan ship Memorial Park, Mazu Temple, visitor service center, Sheng Yun fleet, Dolphin Bay Beach, one Bay Beach and other points to carry out inspection and evaluation, including sign system construction, safety responsibilities, tourist service center functional services, tourism toilet quality, tourism vehicle safety and service, catering industry and accommodation industry service quality.

Subsequently, a work symposium was held in the conference room on the 4th floor of the town government, and the expert group listened to the report of the 4A work of the town, inspected and created application materials on the spot, and asked about the operation and management system of the scenic spot, complaint management process, infrastructure and landscape maintenance, and service quality improvement of catering places.

Through on-site assessment and meeting exchanges, the expert group affirmed the improvement work done in environmental health, signage, safety management and other aspects of Guishan Island scenic area. At the same time, guidance is put forward for the scenic spot management organization and personnel setting, the improvement of some points, the quality of soft services, and the implementation of safety, and it is recommended that the scenic spot implement rectification item by item in accordance with national standards and improve the management and service level.

The review inspection is the re-certification of the 3A scenic spot brand qualification of Guishan Island, and a comprehensive "big physical examination" of the 4A work management, service and safety of Guishan, aimed at further strengthening the quality management and quality of scenic spots, and improving the service quality and management level of scenic spots.

The establishment of 4A scenic spot on Guishan Island has entered a critical period. Next, the scenic spot will carefully compare with national standards, speed up the shortcomings, strengthen the foundation, improve the quality, and fully promote the success of the establishment of 4A scenic spot on Guishan Island.

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