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Understand our dynamics and policies

【2023.11.15 Guishan News 】

2023-11-15 00:00:00

On the morning of November 15, Guishan Island scenic Area held a meeting to deepen the national civilized city construction work, Guishan Town Party Committee Secretary Wang Xianrui, town Party Committee deputy secretary, mayor Guo Qiuhai attended the meeting and spoke, town Party Committee deputy secretary Hua Shu presided over the meeting. All the members of the town leadership team, the office (center, institute), the two villages, the city of Hengqin capital responsible comrades attended the meeting.

The meeting conveyed the spirit of the coordination meeting and promotion meeting of the Preparatory Group of Hezhou New Area to deepen civilized city construction; The field assessment and key problems of civilized city in September were reported. Guishan Town Civilization Office reported the preparation of the "Guishan Town In-depth Promotion of the National civilized Town construction site supervision work Plan"; The responsible comrades of the relevant departments made speeches on the problems and rectification measures that need to be solved comprehensively in the construction of civilized towns.

Wang Xianrui stressed that, first, to further understand the work situation, all departments should have a clear understanding of the goals and pressures of the current creative work in our town, focus on key issues to consolidate responsibility, strictly implement the supervision and assessment system, and strengthen the sense of responsibility and consciousness of all parties. Second, we should further strengthen grid management, each grid leader should set an example, play a leading role, strengthen daily patrol work, improve the ability to find problems, ensure the effectiveness of problem solving, strictly implement the key period of full staff on duty, and effectively solve all kinds of dynamic problems in the evaluation. The third is to further implement inspection and supervision, coordinate the supervision of the creation of civilized towns across the country, give full play to the effectiveness of supervision, strictly implement the inspection and supervision of the work of each grid during key periods, ensure that all grid members do not lose their positions, do not miss their positions, and fully promote the creation of civilized towns across the country to go deep and work hard.

Guo Qiuhai proposed that the first is to form a joint work force, law enforcement departments should jointly carry out creative activities and rectification actions, increase law enforcement efforts, timely advice, stop and punishment for illegal behaviors, timely communication and research to solve key problems in creative culture, and create a law-abiding and compliant life and business order. The second is to strengthen publicity and education, timely publicize the major projects of the scenic spot and the achievements of civilization creation to the masses, promote the concept of civilization into the heart and mind, improve the masses' cognition, understanding and support for creative and cultural work, and form a good atmosphere for the whole society to participate in creative and cultural work. The third is to clarify the responsibilities of creation, each grid length should refine the area, set the area, set the personnel, set the task, do a good job of the division of responsibilities of each grid member, and effectively improve the effectiveness of solving dynamic problems.

In the next step, Guishan Island Scenic Spot will implement the grid work against the requirements of the national civilized town, pay close attention to inspection and rectification, ensure the normal long-term performance, and help Guishan Town successfully create a national civilized town.

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