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Understand our dynamics and policies

【2023.11.07 Guishan News 】

2023-11-07 00:00:00

In order to further strengthen the traffic management of Guishan Island scenic spot, on the afternoon of November 7, a special meeting on traffic management of Guishan Town was held in the conference room on the fourth floor of the town government. The meeting was chaired by the town's deputy secretary of the Party committee and mayor Guo Qiuhai, the town's deputy secretary of the Party Committee Zheng Guoqi, the town's Party committee member Huang Wenhui, the town's Party Committee member, Guishan Police Station director He Guihua, deputy mayor Yu Qianwen, the town's comprehensive administrative enforcement office, the town's market supervision and management office, the town's economic development office, the two villages and other responsible comrades attended the meeting.

The meeting focused on the current traffic situation to discuss the management of tricycles, bicycles, sightseeing vehicles, cars and other vehicles, inspection and law enforcement mechanisms, departments and personnel division of labor, difficult problems and other content, and study and discuss the next step of traffic management countermeasures, to guide all departments to carry out traffic safety and traffic order rectification work.

Guo Qiuhai mayor requires a clear responsibility, investigation and mapping. Each department clearly divides the work tasks, finds out the vehicle information of our town for different types of vehicles, and forms the general ledger of vehicle information; The second is to set up institutions to overcome difficulties. Set up a joint traffic inspection team, led by the Guishan Police Station management, clear the list of personnel and work responsibilities, strict management of the team; Third, improve mechanisms and strengthen supervision. According to the responsibilities of the industry, the competent departments organize the operators of various types of vehicles to carry out symposiums, strengthen publicity, publicize and implement policies, and listen to appeals; The joint inspection team will carry out joint inspection and rectification work from time to time to strengthen the management of vehicles on the island.

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