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【2023.07.14 Xiamen Cultural Tourism Promotion Conference · Guishan News 】

2023-07-14 00:00:00

On July 14, "The City of 100 Islands, the dream place of young people - 2023 Zhuhai (Xiamen) Cultural Tourism Promotion Exhibition Wanshan Islands" was held in Xiamen. The promotion conference was hosted by Zhuhai Culture, Radio, Television, Tourism and Sports Bureau and Zhuhai Wanshan Marine Development Pilot Zone. On the same day, more than 200 guests from Zhuhai and Xiamen travel agents, representatives of cultural and tourism enterprises and media journalists gathered together to discuss the new development of cultural and tourism integration.

At the promotion meeting, Yu Qianwen, deputy mayor of Zhuhai Guishan Town, introduced that Guishan Island is known as "Wanshan Fortress", said that the first naval battle of New China - 1950 Wanshan naval battle took place in Guishan. The site of the Battle of Wanshan Sea and the towering monument of the martyrs of the Guishan Ship all record the heroic deeds of the Guishan ship landing on the beach. In addition to important resources for red tourism and patriotic education, such as the naval battle site, Man Tin Cheung Plaza and the sunken tube base of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, there is also no shortage of coastal scenic spots, overlooking Lantau Island on the other side of Hong Kong, near the village path where you can walk along the grass path, and natural beauty such as Yi Wan Beach and Dolphin Bay Beach.

Guishan Island has both red genes and green natural vitality. At the end of the presentation, Deputy Mayor Yu Qianwen issued a sincere invitation to all of you, welcoming you to take a look and walk on Guishan Island!

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