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【2024.04.09 Guishan Traffic Newsletter 】

2024-04-09 00:00:00
Source:To study and discuss management measures and guide the improvement of traffic order.

In order to further strengthen the traffic management of Guishan Island, on the afternoon of April 9, a special meeting on traffic management of Guishan Island was held in the conference room on the fourth floor of the town government. The meeting was chaired by Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Mayor Guo Qiuhai, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee Zheng Guoqi, member of the Party Committee Huang Wenhui, member of the Party Committee, Guishan Police Station director He Guihua, deputy mayor Yu Qianwen, Liu Fanglin, fourth-level researcher Li Weiqiang, comprehensive Administrative Enforcement Office, Market supervision and Management Office, comprehensive governance Office, Economic Development Office, two villages and other responsible comrades attended the meeting.

The meeting focused on the construction of traffic detection stations, road traffic planning, management of all types of vehicles, and joint traffic inspection mechanisms, and studied and discussed corresponding management measures to guide the strengthening of vehicle management and traffic order regulation.

The meeting required that, first, the traffic detection station project should be accelerated, and the functional departments should clearly divide their work and form a joint force. Second, in view of the problem of disorderly parking of road vehicles in the area, especially in the built-up area, strict management of the order of shops on both sides of the road requires relevant departments to strengthen inspection and law enforcement efforts, and combine blockage with reasonable optimization. The third is to find out the information of all types of vehicles on the island to form a list, and then carry out vehicle registration, insurance inspection, and organization of training and education. The fourth is to improve the joint traffic inspection mechanism, carry out weekly on-road inspections, especially the illegal charging of sightseeing vehicles on the island to carry passengers for sightseeing tourism, and forcefully regulate traffic order and safety hazards. Fifth, the island sightseeing vehicle to carry out unified body color, Posting signs, replacing plates, checking insurance, signing liability undertakings, etc., shall not be illegal charges to carry passengers. The sixth is to formulate regulations on the management of human bicycles, clarify business licenses, delimit parking areas, driving areas, etc., to ensure compliance and safe operation.

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