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【2024.04.29 Guishan Tourism Newsletter 】

2024-04-29 00:00:00

The island tourism season has arrived, in order to effectively improve the knowledge of emergency rescue in the tourism industry, on the afternoon of April 29, the town economic development Office and the town emergency disaster reduction Office jointly carried out training activities on emergency rescue knowledge and the use of AED in the tourism industry, and invited professional teachers from Zhuhai Weihong Medical Technology Co., Ltd. to focus on theoretical teaching and on-site practical training. Nearly 50 tourism practitioners participated in the training, and Yu Qianwen, deputy mayor of the town and responsible leader of the tourism industry, participated in the activity.

The training mainly focused on the common emergencies and accidental injuries of island tourism safety. The trainers took a combination of theory and practice to vividly and intuitively explain the practical first-aid skills such as on-site cardiopulmonary resuscitation, the use of automatic external cardiac defibrillator (AED), airway foreign body obstruction (Heimlich method) and so on. The town emergency office comrades introduced the distribution and significance of AED machines in Guishan Island. The training site atmosphere is active, the participants participate in the simulation operation drill, under the guidance of the teachers carefully operated practice, and achieved good training results.

Through this training, the participants further mastered the basic rescue skills and emergency knowledge, improved the ability of self-rescue and mutual rescue, and made every effort to meet the tourist season and guard the safety of island tourism.

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