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The sea breeze blows the sea surface, the island journey as promised

G Club

GCLUB restaurant with great atmosphere

The unique color combination is easy to film

I got you all the photo slots

Eat/drink/take pictures!

The interior is warm and comfortable, and the exterior is full of style

The terrace has 180° unlimited sea views

Whether it's a date or a dinner with friends

It's all very suitable!

Multiple wine cabinets are lined up

A selection of fine wines is on display

They're like a light

Illuminating countless tipsy moments of late night

Corona, Carlsberg, whiskey, wine...


Lime juice and peach liqueur

Served with blue orange flavored syrup

All three balance a refreshing sweet and sour taste

Slightly spicy, but unique and chic

Clear body with fresh fruit aromas

A little vodka adds a layer to the special Margarita

Gain the reputation of "Cocktail queen"

Heart of the sea

The dreamy blue is beautiful and beautiful

One mouthful of refreshing hits the nerve center

The finish is soft and long

Hints of lime fruit

Tequila sunrise

A cocktail that many people love

The twilight of sunrise over the sea

It seems to dye the whole sky red

Take a sip of the orange-red liquid

Let the alcohol stimulate the nerves of the moment

Orange juice blends with the sweetness of grenadine

Plus that tequila kind of heat

One sip, is full of sweet wonderful taste

Good wine must be accompanied by good food

There's more to GCLUB than fine wine

And there are so many creative dishes

There's always one you like!

Barbecue skewer

A sip of beer, a bite of barbecue

Chili, sesame, cumin and fresh meat are mixed together

Each bite makes you look forward to the next

Deep-fried crisp potato wedges

It seems ordinary, but there are many surprises

The crisp exterior, the texture of hash browns

Dip it in some tomato sauce. It's not greasy at all

As a snack with wine, just right!

Golden butterfly shrimp

Choose fresh white shrimp

Fry until golden brown on the outside

It tastes crisp and refreshing on the outside

Inside the meat is firm and tender

I can't stop eating one bite

Grilled rice, pizza, spaghetti, doll noodles

And many delicious food to choose from

To everyone's taste

Contract your 256G stomach!

