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The sea breeze blows the sea surface, the island journey as promised

Daohe Pu Tree
The location of 'Dao He' is more like the Dao following nature and the unity of heaven and man. From nature, back to nature, all kinds of troubles and anxieties are nowhere to be born; Compared to green grass and lush greenery, it is stable and peaceful, returning to one's true nature, and achieving both physical and mental peace. The "Pu Tree" is named after a large tree in the courtyard that holds giant stones, each tree holding each stone gently and standing proudly. Asking, chanting, seeing Pu, and embracing the tree "is for the Tao He Pu tree.

Complete supporting facilities: homestays provide free breakfast and shuttle services, as well as facilities such as kitchens, multifunctional book bars, barbecue areas, mahjong rooms, laundry rooms, etc., which are fully functional and meet various needs such as accommodation, gatherings, leisure, etc; Implement a butler style service to efficiently respond to guest requests.

Contact information :



No. 1 Xinjian Lane, Guishan Town, Xiangzhou District, Zhuhai City, Guangdong Province

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