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The sea breeze blows the sea surface, the island journey as promised

Guishan Flavor
Guishan Flavor
Guishan Flavor
Guishan Flavor
Guishan Flavor
Guishan Flavor
Guishan Flavor
Guishan Archipelago is located at the intersection of salt and fresh water. The sea water quality is excellent. It is rich in rare fish such as standing fish, Caobai, Huanghua, and shellfish such as clams, sand moths, general hats, dog's claw snails, bitter snails, deep-water snails, sea urchins, etc. The fishery resources are rich, and the seafood is sweet and delicious. When you are away from the island, you can purchase fresh seafood from the seafood market, and simply cook it back to share with your family. The authentic freshness is guaranteed to be unforgettable!

Address:Esplanade seafood dry goods street

Gui San Xian
Gui San Xian
Gui San Xian
Gui San Xian
Gui San Xian
Gui San Xian
The clear water quality of Guishan Island makes the seafood raised fresh and delicious. "Guisan Fresh" is a brand that fishermen preserve their original ecology and produce various seafood dried products through pure manual methods, such as white flower glue, dried cuttlefish, dried salamander, dried squid, dried silver fish, dried oyster, etc. Each one is carefully selected and made with authentic ingredients, with fresh and sweet meat with a faint salty taste of seawater. It is suitable to be taken back as a token for cooking and tasting, or given as a gift to family and friends.

Address:Within the Guishan Island Passenger Terminal/Guishan Island Tourist Service Center

Gui Xiaobai Cultural Creation
Gui Xiaobai Cultural Creation
Gui Xiaobai Cultural Creation
Gui Xiaobai Cultural Creation
The integration of island characteristic culture in Guishan Island not only creates the IP image of the "Gui Xiaobai" character, but also integrates culture and new ways of life into the romantic atmosphere of the island, creating a series of fun cultural and creative products, including canvas bags, duck tongue hats, beach bags, masks, insulated cups, laptops, keychains, badges, Gui Xiaobai handmade items, lighthouse ice cream, Gui Xiaobai expression bags, Gui Xiaobai beauty Chen, and other products. Every region, every culture, is the accumulation of time and space. If you are traveling to Guishan Island, you might as well visit the tourist service center to take a look and bring your culture home~

Address:Within the Guishan Island Passenger Terminal/Guishan Island Tourist Service Center