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Zhuhai Wanshan Marine Development Pilot Zone Zhuhai Bonded Zone Policies and Regulations Promulgated

2023-04-12 17:12:50
Source:Guishan Island

 1、 Development background

  In order to attract and gather high-quality financial resources, promote the high-quality development of the financial industry in our district, create a financial gathering area, and strengthen the support of finance for the physical industry, the Economic Management Commission has agreed to issue the "Zhuhai Wanshan Marine Development Pilot Zone (Zhuhai Bonded Zone) Promotion of Financial Industry Development Support Measures (Trial)" (hereinafter referred to as the "Financial Industry Development Support Measures").

  2、 Main content description

  The "Measures for Supporting the Development of the Financial Industry" consists of 7 chapters and 21 articles, with the main content as follows:

  Chapter 1 is the general principles, mainly elaborating on policy objectives, policy application targets, and funding arrangements.

  The second chapter is "Settlement Award", which mainly elaborates on the amount of settlement awards for various applicable objects. The maximum reward for licensed legal person financial institutions shall not exceed 20 million yuan, the maximum reward for local financial institutions shall not exceed 3 million yuan, the maximum reward for private fund institutions shall not exceed 2 million yuan, and the maximum reward for innovative financial institutions shall not exceed 3 million yuan.

  The third chapter is "Business Contribution Award", which mainly elaborates on the amount of business contribution awards for various applicable objects. All four types of financial institutions can receive business contribution awards for three consecutive years. Private equity funds and venture capital funds that invest through equity investment methods shall be given investment rewards to managers according to corresponding standards. In addition, for innovative financial enterprises that have obtained B-round and subsequent financing, a maximum cumulative reward of 2 million yuan will be given to a single enterprise.

  The fourth chapter is the "financial support entity award", which mainly describes the risk compensation mechanism, intellectual property securitization financing award and direct financing award. The cumulative amount of risk compensation for a single enterprise shall not exceed 5 million yuan, and the enterprises financed through intellectual property asset securitization projects shall be granted a maximum of 3 million yuan annually.

  Chapter 5 is "Site Support", which mainly elaborates on the corresponding support for office procurement, office leasing, and financial industrial parks (properties recognized by our district) within the activity leasing area. For those who purchase their own office space, a subsidy of 100% of their local economic contribution to the property will be provided for three consecutive years. For renting office space for personal use, a subsidy of 50 yuan per square meter per month will be provided for three consecutive years (up to a maximum of 600 square meters). Support for financial industry related activities held in our district shall not exceed 50% of the venue rent, with a maximum of 500000 yuan for individual activities.

  Chapter 6 is "Financial Talent Support", which mainly elaborates on financial qualification subsidies and support for financial practitioners. Financial talents who meet the requirements and obtain qualifications such as Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA), Financial Risk Manager (FRM), North American Actuary (ASA), International Certified Public Accountant (ACCA), Chinese Actuary (FCAA), Certified Public Accountant (CPA), etc., will be given a one-time subsidy of no more than 30000 yuan.

  Chapter 7 is the "Supplementary Provisions", which mainly elaborates on the application, validity period, and interpretation rights of support rewards.

  3、 Policy basis

  1. Outline of the 14th Five Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development of the People's Republic of China and the Long Range Goals for 2035

  2. The 14th Five Year Plan for Financial Development and Reform in Guangdong Province

  3. The 14th Five Year Plan for Financial Reform and Development in Zhuhai City

  4. Provisional Measures for the Management of Special Funds to Support the Development of the Financial Industry in Shenzhen Qianhai Shenzhen Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone (Shenzhen Qianhai Regulations [2021] No. 4)

  5. Guidelines for Application for Admission and Rent Subsidy of Hengqin Smart Finance Industrial Park (Hengxin Jintong [2020] No. 5)

  6. Notice of the People's Government of Doumen District, Zhuhai City on Issuing the Implementation Plan for Implementing the State Council's Solid Economic Stability Package Policy Measures in Doumen District, Zhuhai City (Zhudoufu [2022] No. 29)

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