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The sea breeze blows the sea surface, the island journey as promised

No.1 Inn
This is an inn with a warm feeling of home, let you comfortable, free and comfortable. The courtyard of the inn is very big, there is a good growing grapefruit tree, shady, placed some tables and chairs, for everyone to enjoy the soft time of the island leisurely, you will feel that in the courtyard to drink tea and chat love is a pleasant thing... His name is Guishan No.1 Inn.
Complete supporting facilities: homestays provide free breakfast and shuttle services, as well as facilities such as kitchens, multifunctional book bars, barbecue areas, mahjong rooms, laundry rooms, etc., which are fully functional and meet various needs such as accommodation, gatherings, leisure, etc; Implement a butler style service to efficiently respond to guest requests.

Contact information :



No.1 Pingan Road, Guishan Village, Guishan Town, Xiangzhou District, Zhuhai City, Guangdong Province

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