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The sea breeze blows the sea surface, the island journey as promised

Haifeng SeaWIND
Haifeng SeaWIND consists of four B&B buildings, of which the one near the monument is the most distinctive one.

At the moment you enter the door, you may be able to understand the intention of the host, away from the hustle and bustle of the city, listening to the sea, feeling for the sea, with the maple mood.

The B&B is also equipped with a free kitchen complete with rice, noodles and oil seasoning, and provides sea fishing gear, parent-child sand dredging tools and other equipment, so that guests can truly experience the culture and service details of B&B while feeling the beauty of the island.

Different themes of the seascape room with different design styles, seemingly rigid line decoration, hidden a gentle girl heart, relaxed atmosphere feeling just right.

Here, when you look through the window, you can see the vast sea view without cover. Every frame is a natural painting, leisurely and comfortable, quiet and delicate.

Contact information :



No.11 Tianxiang Lane, Guishan Village, Xiangzhou District, Zhuhai City, Guangdong Province

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