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The sea breeze blows the sea surface, the island journey as promised

No. 1 Dike
No. 1 Dike
The No. 1 Embankment is located on the west coast sightseeing route of Gishan Island. The new lighthouse is paired with the seawall Road covered with fluorescent stones. At night, the ground becomes a fluorescent avenue, making you feel like you are in the Milky Way.
"Penghu" on Kwai Shan Island
"Penghu" on Kwai Shan Island
"Penghu" on Guishan Island is a comprehensive fishery platform that combines a semi-submersible wave energy generating platform with aquaculture cages. It is equipped with Marine tourism, research and other functions. You can visit Marine farming, wave energy generating platform and sea fishing here.
Tin Hau Temple
Tin Hau Temple
The Tian Hau Temple on Guishan Island is said to have a history of two or three hundred years. It is one of the largest and most complete temples in honor of Mazu in Wanshan Islands. Every year on the 23rd day of the 4th lunar month, the Tin Hau Birthday celebration is held on the island.
Wen Tianxiang Square
Wen Tianxiang Square
Wen Tianxiang Square has a 5.5-meter-high statue of Wen Tianxiang, which is one of the landmark buildings of Guishan Island. Looking at the square, the coastal row of yachts like a dynamic picture comes into view, is a good place for photography lovers.
Guishan Warship Memorial Park
Guishan Warship Memorial Park
The martyrs' Cemetery has martyrs' monument, martyrs' tomb and martyrs' memorial pavilion. In the memorial pavilion inlaid with the "Bloody War Garbage tail" tile, describes the liberation of the People's Liberation Army Wanshan Islands and the Guishan warship soldiers brave killing the enemy process.