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The sea breeze blows the sea surface, the island journey as promised

Guishan Village
Guishan Village
Guishan Village was founded in the Qing Dynasty, and the Hakka people from Baoan, Shenzhen moved here in the early days, living on the island by farming. With the development of the island, the villagers of Guishan changed from farming to fishing production. In the early 1980s, the whole village moved from the top of the mountain to the present area.
Guihai Village
Guihai Village
The main folk activities in Guihai Village are the Guishan Tin Haobao birthday festival and fishing prayer, which was included in the municipal intangible cultural heritage list in 2015.
West Coast Landscape Promenade
West Coast Landscape Promenade
The ecological hydrophile rest belt on the west coast of Guishan Island starts from the First Bay Beach, passes the No. 1 embankment, the imitation wooden plank road, and the coastal path, all the way is the charming sea scenery, and extends to the Guishan Ship Memorial Park (Chuxin Square).
Ping An Road
Ping An Road
The "Beauty Garden" project in Guishan Town has created a beautiful courtyard with island characteristics in the style of a European town. Walking on Ping 'an Road of Guishan Island, you can encounter the beautiful demonstration style belt of "One courtyard, one scene, and flowers in four seasons" and the "GUI Xiao Bai clock point", island elements, fishing village style... Bring tourists a different romantic experience.
Dolphin bay
Dolphin bay
Dolphin Bay Beach is the second hydrophilic beach on Guishan Island. It is named for its proximity to the precious Chinese white Dolphin reserve. With gentle terrain and water quality, Dolphin Bay Beach is a good place for swimming and splashing.