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Guishan Town: Promoting the Development of Island Tourism Industry through Rural Revitalization

2021-02-05 16:30:23

In the Wanshan Islands of Zhuhai City, there is a special island that has a great connection with the first naval battle of the Chinese People's Navy - the Wanshan Naval Battle. In 1954, the people of Zhuhai renamed this island Guishan Island in memory of the heroic martyrs who sacrificed their lives in this naval battle. The red gene inherited over 60 years has made Guishan Island a well-known patriotic education base in Zhuhai. Since the reform and opening up, as the seat of the government of Guishan Town, earth shaking changes have taken place here, especially during the 13th Five Year Plan period. Through the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy, Guishan Town has greatly improved the living environment of islands and significantly increased the happiness index of residents.

Improvement of living environment and a sluggish increase in happiness index

I can be proud to say that it's not just me, any room you look at is so beautiful. "Li Ruiqi, a resident of Guishan Village, told in Guangdong. Last year, the town government promoted the construction of" Creative Beauty Courtyards "and helped island residents transform their courtyards, greatly improving the living environment in the village.

We two elderly people live here, and I can feel that life is very happy. Just like this road, it is winding and winding, just like the journey I have gone through. It is beautiful to reach the end. With the care of the party and government, we have come to this happy life. " Li Ruiqi expressed special emotion.

In recent years, Guishan Town has seized the opportunity of building a model village for rural revitalization at the city level from Guishan to Guihai Village, and has successively started construction of a number of demonstration projects for rural revitalization on the west coast, including the landscape improvement project for the small boat dock section, the construction project for the rural revitalization demonstration section from Ping'an Road to Changti Lane, the construction of the "Creative Beauty Courtyard" for island villages, and the Guishan Ship Memorial Park Station project. The island has taken on a new look.

Zheng Guoqi, Deputy Mayor of Guishan Town, introduced that the rural revitalization demonstration section, old reservoir renovation project, and Chuangmei Courtyard project were all completed in December last year, especially the renovation of the old reservoir project, which transformed from a chaotic and abandoned land into a check-in point that integrates leisure, expansion, wedding and other tourism functions, taking the tourism development and rural revitalization of the entire Guishan Island to a new level.

Implementing the Rural Revitalization Strategy to Promote the Development of Tourism Industry

Implementing the rural revitalization strategy, industrial revitalization is a key link. Since 2016, Guishan Town has established the tourism industry as its main development direction, promoting the transformation and upgrading of traditional fisheries.

"One is to transform from traditional fishing to leisure fishing, using existing fishing rafts to attract more tourists to experience the joy of fishing. On the other hand, we have increased investment in fishery technology, especially our existing Penghu, which can use wave energy and solar energy to power large ships and improve the level of scientific aquaculture, " Zheng Guoqi said.

Inherit the red gene and continuously enrich its connotation. During the 13th Five Year Plan period, Guishan Town has made multiple improvements and renovations to the red tourist attractions on the island, gradually completing the expansion from point to surface. Previously, there was only a landing point for the Guishan Ship in the tourist attraction, but now it has gradually formed a multi-point combination mainly consisting of the Guishan Ship Memorial Park, supplemented by monuments and exhibition halls. This can promote the red research tourism in Guishan Town, and also attract and help contemporary teenagers to understand the red genes of national history, "Zheng Guoqi said.

The rapid development of homestays for young people returning to islands

Through the improvement of living environment and the development of tourism resources, Guishan Town has led the industrial revival with rural revitalization. Young people see hope and begin to slowly return, stimulating the vigorous development of island homestays. In the past year, with the construction of the rural revitalization demonstration section, five new homestays have been added from Ping'an Road to Changti Lane alone.

In fact, I haven't come back for many years. I happened to spend a year with my mother to come back and take a look, but when I came back and took a look, I felt that the atmosphere on the island was different. I work in finance, and I felt that besides having emotions, I also need to take a look at the overall trend of the environment. Later, I learned about the development trend of Guangdong's coastal islands, so I decided to come back and open homestays, and gradually became like this, The boss of Half Mountain Stone Building felt that his choice was very correct.

Many homestays on the island are also invested by outsiders. The island has a pleasant climate, beautiful environment, and is far from the hustle and bustle. Many homestay owners believe that there will be great potential for development here in the future.

Zheng Guoqi introduced that Guishan Town has a national first-class port and is eligible for direct customs clearance with Hong Kong and Macao. At present, the town is actively contacting relevant units of research and learning in Hong Kong and Macao, striving to build Guishan Island into a red tourism research and learning base for students from Hong Kong and Macao. I believe that in the future, it will attract more tourists, especially from Hong Kong and Macao regions.

Precise Investment Promotion and Strengthening of the Tourism Industry at the Beginning of the 14th Five Year Plan

This year is the beginning of the 14th Five Year Plan, and Zheng Guoqi stated that Guishan Town will adhere to the development direction of island tourism industry, continue to do a great job in rural revitalization, and plan a new chapter for the development of island economy. One is precise investment attraction, with high-end tourism as the entry point, introducing more high-end tourism industries, and continuing to enrich the development of island tourism economy; The second is to benefit people's livelihoods, ensure equal prices for water and electricity supply on both land and island, improve the level of medical and educational services, and effectively enhance the sense of gain and happiness of island residents; Thirdly, we will continue to promote the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy, improve the level of leisure fishing services, introduce more measures to support the development of island homestays, and effectively increase the income of the islanders in Guishan Town.

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