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Guishan Island: Consolidate the "Three Forces" to Build a Higher Level of Safe Island

2022-12-15 16:31:44

In recent years, Guishan Town has continuously integrated resources, optimized grid management, promoted joint mediation of conflicts and disputes, and built a new pattern of standardized construction, physical operation, and efficient services for the comprehensive governance center, laying a solid foundation for the construction of a higher level of Ping'an Island.

The Comprehensive Governance Center of Guishan Town is an important platform for safe construction and the "brain center" of social governance. According to the standardization requirements of the Comprehensive Governance Center, Guishan Town has built functional rooms such as video monitoring room, analysis and judgment room, conflict and dispute mediation room, public legal service room, etc., to handle and coordinate matters such as comprehensive governance and stability maintenance, people's mediation, civil assistance, and legal services.

Guishan Town Smart Grid Data Screen

Building a Strong Digital Defense Line for 'Double Anti'

Based on the comprehensive governance center, Guishan Town has established an integrated mechanism of "civil air defense+technical defense+material defense". Guishan Island is located in the "Golden Triangle" between the the Pearl River Estuary and Hong Kong, the Pearl River Delta and Macao. It has a heavy task to prevent and control the illegal immigration, smuggling and "foreign import" epidemic. Guishan Town has built a comprehensive control center monitoring room with high standards, and has created a digital defense line for Guishan Town's "double anti" work through technical prevention technologies such as high-definition eagle eye and AR three-dimensional prevention and control.

In March 2022, the duty personnel discovered through the technical prevention technology of the Comprehensive Management Center that a suspicious looking speedboat was approaching rapidly. After the speedboat rushed to the stall, two personnel boarded the island from the boat and quickly left. The duty personnel immediately notified the police on duty at the police station, organized police forces to go and arrested two personnel near Qiwan. They were then arranged to move into an isolation site and undergo 21 days of centralized quarantine control. Since the beginning of this year, the Comprehensive Management Office of Guishan Town has relied on the technical prevention construction of the Comprehensive Management Center to successfully solve 5 "double anti" cases, involving 16 personnel, and seizing more than 94 tons of smuggled frozen goods, building a strong epidemic prevention and control line for Guishan Town.

There are clever ways to mediate disputes

Adhere to joint construction, governance, and sharing, and promote the formation of a new pattern of grassroots social governance. Guishan Town has established a comprehensive legal advisor system in the entire town and village, actively promoting the participation of lawyers in resolving conflicts and disputes and representing petition cases. It has established a "Lawyer Consultation Room" and a "Guangdong Xin'an Psychological Service Room" to guide the masses to resolve conflicts in accordance with the law.

In August 2018, the duty personnel of the Comprehensive Governance Center in Guishan Town received a petition from one person. The visitor, Yan, stated that he had a verbal agreement with Zhuang to pay his salary every month and that the petitioner would be responsible for the operation of the canteen. During this period, Yang provided Yan with a loan of 130000 yuan (vegetables, rice, oil, etc.), and the three signed a debt agreement. However, Zhuang did not fully pay the loan amount in the future. The visitor hoped to seek legal means to demand that Zhuang Yang pays the corresponding amount.

According to the principle of "small matters do not leave the village, major matters do not leave the island, and conflicts do not submit", the Comprehensive Management Office of Guishan Town held a discussion meeting to help the three parties clarify their debt relationship and corresponding rights and obligations. For any doubts about the parties, lawyers provided answers on the spot. Finally, after negotiation, the three parties have reached a settlement.

Since the beginning of this year, the Comprehensive Governance Center of Guishan Town has received a total of 6 batches of visitors, involving a total amount of 178000 yuan, and the case completion rate is 100%

Creating an intelligent grid

Grasp the reporting of grid events and leverage the front-end role of grassroots social governance. The Comprehensive Governance Center of Guishan Town has built a "Smart Comprehensive Governance Grid Management System" to achieve online recruitment and offline visits and collection of full-time and part-time grid personnel. It has established a closed-loop operation and management mechanism of "information collection, diversion and delegation, daily supervision, disposal, result feedback, and work assessment". It has created a centralized, unified, information sharing, and fully functional public service platform, achieving "zero distance" in rural affairs services Manage 'full coverage', 'full response' to demands, 'implementation of each item, and response to everything'.

From January to September 2022, grid personnel conducted a total of 36 safety inspections, with 326 personnel deployed. The grid reported 77 incidents and completed 77 cases, with a completion rate of 100%.

A comprehensive legal advisory system has been established in the entire town and village, actively promoting the participation of lawyers in resolving conflicts and disputes and representing petition cases. The "Lawyer Consultation Room" and "Guangdong Xin'an Psychological Service Room" have been established. Through the purchase of services, lawyers, psychological teachers, and social workers have been organized to visit the comprehensive governance center at designated locations, widely participating in legal affairs consultation, resolving conflicts and disputes, and guiding the public to resolve conflicts in accordance with the law. From January to September 2022, The town comprehensive governance center provides a total of 8 legal consultation services, organizes village residents and legal advisors to visit the village and community 12 times, and conducts 2 training sessions on the "Guangdong Xin'an" psychological consultation business.

Guishan Town Judicial Office provides legal publicity and consultation services for the rule of law

At the same time, Guishan Town continues to explore new paths for grassroots fine governance, using grids as the basic unit to guide the participation of multiple grassroots entities in grassroots fine governance, constructing a new pattern of multi subject co governance, and achieving new leaps in the effectiveness of grassroots social governance. According to statistics, the safety index of Guishan Town scored 96 points for three consecutive months from August to October 2022, ranking among the top in Zhuhai City.

Expert comments:

Comprehensive governance of social security is a grassroots social governance practice with Chinese characteristics. The Comprehensive Governance Center of Guishan Town, Xiangzhou District, Zhuhai City has explored a social governance model based on the unique geographical location of Guishan Island, characterized by a "digital defense line", dispute mediation mechanism, and smart grid. It accurately matches the characteristics of the island and effectively solves governance problems such as illegal immigration, smuggling, and legal disputes. It provides a good guarantee for the construction of a safe island and has certain promotion value. There is also room for further exploration and improvement in the project. Firstly, the integration of the three major sections of the project needs to be further strengthened. It is necessary to clarify how to connect the "double anti" digital defense line, legal advisory system, and "smart comprehensive governance grid management system" with one main line to form the "three joint forces". Secondly, the connotation and experience summary of the existing sections still need to be further refined. For example, what are the biggest advantages of intelligent grids compared to traditional grids, and how to assist in the construction of Ping An Island should be demonstrated in the project. Thirdly, the data provided in the project is somewhat outdated. It is recommended to provide the latest data or explain the effectiveness of the project through data trends.

(果佳 北京师范大学政府管理学院副院长,副教授)

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