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Xie Jinbin in "Gui" with You: Breaking Through the Dilemma of the Epidemic with Red from Mountain to Sea

2023-02-06 16:48:35
Source:Guishan Island

The first time I met Xie Jinbin was in the live broadcast room, where Xie Jinbin, dressed in a blue jersey, held up a box of sweet potatoes and vividly described its planting process, taste, and taste. His sincere tone and simple smile gave people a full sense of familiarity.

When he met Xie Jinbin again, he had already gone down the mountain and set sail. He had just stepped down from his duties as the first secretary of Dachetian Village and the captain of the poverty alleviation work team, and then took on the position of the first secretary of Guishan Village and Guihai Village in Guishan Town. Now, he is no longer working with the villagers in the rice fields, but has shifted to guarding and thinking about the future of Guishan Island in the wind and rain at sea.

Innovative Ideas for Poverty Alleviation

Xie Jinbin was a poverty alleviation cadre sent to Maoming Mountain Village in his early years. He was awarded the title of "Outstanding Individual Contribution to Guangdong Province's Poverty Alleviation from 2019 to 2020" due to his pioneering role in leading villagers through online live streaming and sales during the epidemic, successfully leading local villagers out of a sustainable branded industrial chain.

After completing the poverty alleviation task, Xie Jinbin was once again ordered to come to Guishan Island in 2021. To be honest, when I first arrived in Guishan, Xie Jinbin, who had just gained experience in rural agriculture, was quite at a loss. "When I first arrived, I was also very confused because the environmental conditions on Guishan Island were completely different from those in the inland countryside. At that time, I really didn't know what to do to develop the economy of Guishan Island. Later, after gradually understanding the situation, I targeted the leisure tourism industry

When Xie Jinbin arrived in Guishan, he was at a time when the island's economy was most affected by the epidemic. The significant decline in the number of tourists had greatly impacted the already improving tourism product routes.

(Guishan Ship Heroes Rush to Land)

Speaking of this, Xie Jinbin is also quite lucky to say, "Guishan Island does not have such a good natural landscape as Wailingding Island and Dong'ao, but fortunately we have a deep red historical background, which allows Guishan to take a different road."

The red island shines brightly

It is precisely because of the epidemic that Xie Jinbin has had new thoughts on the tourism industry in Guishan, "The epidemic is not something we can control, but we can't just sit in the city of sorrow. At that time, the municipal government was encouraging 'Zhuhai people to visit Zhuhai', which was just a major milestone of the centennial of the CPC. Red education and party building in all walks of life were in full swing. Why don't we use the red historical resources of Guishan to build a targeted island red education base?"

In fact, Guishan Island has been one of the first red tourism demonstration bases and patriotic education bases in Guangdong Province since 2010. In 2019, it was rated as the education base for the history of the Communist Party of China in Guangdong Province, and in 2021, it was even rated as the patriotic education base in Guangdong Province. However, how to further revitalize these red tourism resources still left Xie Jinbin puzzled, We have successively renovated the Guishan Martyrs Cemetery and the Wanshan Naval Battle Exhibition Room. We also plan to turn Guishan Island into an island academy, leveraging the advantages of geographical location to link young people from Hong Kong and Macao to our island's red education, "Xie Jinbin said.

A thousand mile trip begins with one step.

No job can be smooth sailing. For Xie Jinbin, who is committed to building the red tourism industry chain in Guishan, talent is an unavoidable issue, "The shortage of talent reserves in Guishan Island is a major problem for us. At present, there are 750 registered residence in the two villages on the island, but only 45% of them actually live, and most of them are elderly people. Many young people move out of their registered permanent residence as they go to school, but few of them are willing to return when they become useful."

Opportunities and challenges coexist, but it is difficult to pass through. In order to further revitalize the red cultural resources and island talent system, Xie Jinbin creatively held a training course for red tour guides, bringing together island villagers, government and enterprise personnel, as well as full-time and part-time tour guides for centralized training. This not only creates a high-quality and professional team of red tour guides, promotes the revitalization of the island's "red+tourism" industry, but also indirectly drives islanders to achieve diversified income generation.

The future picture of Guishan Island has been written in front of us. Even though there may be many unseen difficulties ahead, Xie Jinbin believes that there are always more methods than problems. "Since the sea has not blocked the development path of Guishan Island in the past, then the current epidemic cannot block the future path of Guishan," Xie Jinbin firmly said.

Since being appointed to the island last year, Xie Jinbin, who has just completed one year, is an incredibly new person from Guishan. But within a short period of time, he had already become familiar with the valleys, waterfront, new streets, and old alleys of Guishan, and when it comes to local characteristics and history, he was even more eloquent.

Guishan has the spirit of Guishan, and the people here have the courage to change, as well as the perseverance to persevere. What we need to do is to lead the people here to turn these inherited spirits into happiness around us. "Xie Jinbin looked at the island and said emotionally.

本文来源:网易珠海 责任编辑: 张硕桐_ZH015

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