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The Preparatory Group of Hezhou New Area issued the "Several Measures for Promoting the Development of Island Tourism Industry in Zhuhai Wanshan Marine Development Pilot Zone (Zhuhai Free Trade Zone)"

2023-04-12 17:13:21
Source:Guishan Island

In order to connect with the construction of the Hengqin Guangdong Macao Deep Cooperation Zone, undertake the driving and radiating role of the Hengqin International Leisure Tourism Island, and fully leverage the guiding role of supporting policies and financial funds, stimulate the vitality of the integrated regional tourism market in Hezhou, improve the quality of island tourism, and promote the development and growth of the island leisure tourism industry, recently, The preparatory group of Hezhou New Area has issued the "Several Measures for Promoting the Development of Island Tourism Industry in Zhuhai Wanshan Marine Development Pilot Zone (Zhuhai Free Trade Zone)".

Establish a special fund to promote industrial development

The Measures include six chapters and 21 articles, proposing the establishment of a special fund to promote the development of island tourism industry, which will be arranged by the financial budget to support the development of the tourism industry. The Measures clearly encourage the staggered development of various islands, forming a "one island, one product, one characteristic" and a cohesive force for tourism attraction; Encourage the development of characteristic tourism activities on other uninhabited islands under the principles of protection priority and scientific planning; Support key tourism enterprises to become bigger and stronger, and leverage the industrial driving role of leading enterprises.

In supporting the construction and development of key tourism projects, the Measures encourage the introduction of cultural and tourism industry projects with large investment scale, strong driving force, and good growth potential. For projects with an actual total investment of over 100 million yuan in fixed assets by the investor, a reward of 5% of the annual investment amount will be given, with a maximum of 3 million yuan per project per year. For newly introduced leading projects with strong driving force in the same industry both domestically and internationally, or mega projects with an investment of over 2 billion yuan, support can be provided in a "one case, one discussion" manner.

Reduce the operating costs of key island tourism enterprises. Island tourism enterprises with an annual main business income of over 2 million yuan and continuous operation for more than 1 year will receive subsidies for electricity and water costs. Referring to the difference in water and electricity prices between urban and island areas, subsidies of over 30% will be given for the excess, with a maximum annual subsidy of no more than 500000 yuan per enterprise.

Strengthen talent support for key island tourism enterprises and provide talent support for key tourism enterprises with an annual main business income of over 10 million yuan. On the one hand, encourage graduates with a bachelor's degree or above in tourism services to come to the island for employment, and provide a one-time reward of 10000 yuan to eligible enterprise employees; On the other hand, providing living convenience for employees of key tourism enterprises on the island, senior management talents and employees of the top 5 key tourism enterprises in the region with annual revenue can enjoy priority and preferential rental of affordable housing, and their children can apply to attend public schools within their jurisdiction.

Encourage the development of island homestay industry

In terms of encouraging and leading the development of industries:

One is to encourage the upgrading and upgrading of the island hotel industry. Encourage high-end brand hotels to settle on islands, guide the development of hotel chains and branding, and improve the level of island accommodation and reception industry. Hotels that have been operating on the island for more than one year, with an annual revenue of over 10 million yuan, and are among the top 5 hotels in the region with annual revenue, will be rewarded at 1% of their main business income on the island, with a maximum annual revenue of no more than 1 million yuan per enterprise.

The second is to encourage the development of island homestay industry and support the creation of excellent homestay brands. Encourage island homestays to highlight island themed features, enrich product content, improve accommodation quality, and participate in the honor evaluation of homestay grades. Newly awarded national "A", "B", and "C" homestays will receive one-time rewards of 500000 yuan, 300000 yuan, and 100000 yuan respectively; Newly awarded homestays with other national, provincial, and municipal honorary titles will be awarded a one-time reward of 300000 yuan, 200000 yuan, and 100000 yuan, respectively, after evaluation and recognition by the tourism regulatory department and experts.

The third is to encourage the improvement of the quality of the catering industry. Encourage the island catering industry to improve its level, become better and stronger. A one-time reward of 200000 yuan will be given to catering enterprises that have newly been rated as Chinese famous restaurants; For catering enterprises that have successfully applied for the title of "Chinese Famous Snacks", a one-time reward of 100000 yuan will be given.

Enrich the connotation of island tourism industry

In terms of enriching the connotation of island tourism industry, encourage the development of leisure fishery products and expand projects such as sea fishing and fisherman's entertainment. Encourage the development of island tourism photography industry, encourage enterprises to build characteristic landscapes on islands, and support the development of one-stop tourism products that combine "play+tourism photography". Encourage the development of the island outdoor sports industry, and encourage enterprises to carry out leisure sports projects such as island mountain marathons that meet the planning requirements, as well as water leisure sports projects such as sailing, motorboats, and diving. Enterprises that meet the conditions can receive a maximum reward of 100000 yuan per year.

In addition, encourage the development of the island research and learning industry, and support enterprises in developing research and learning tourism products with the theme of island history, culture, and marine science popularization; Encourage the development of island smart tourism and support the development of island smart tourism platforms such as the "One Mobile Tour of Wanshan Island" mini program; Encourage the creation of island characteristic IP brands, create literary and film works that highlight island culture, support enterprises to use Wanshan Islands seafood ingredients to produce and sell tourism products such as Wanshan characteristic dried seafood, and encourage the holding of high-level tourism activities and competitions.

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