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Inheriting the new wind of love and health and building a healthy home together - Guishan Town carried out the 36th patriotic health Month activities

2024-04-17 00:00:00

April 2024 is the 36th Patriotic Health Month, and "Healthy Town Healthy Body Weight" is the theme of this year's activities;  Guishan Town actively organized and carried out a series of patriotic health month activities, such as health education classes, environmental health improvement activities, and hand-copied newspaper creation activities.

(1) Popularization of science to help healthy "children" line

With the continuous improvement of people's living standards and the continuous change of dietary structure, childhood obesity has shown a significant increase trend, and the harm of obesity has attracted more and more attention from schools and families. On April 12 and April 17, Guishan Town Social Affairs Service Center jointly with Guishan Central Kindergarten and Guishan Primary School respectively carried out the theme education class of "Healthy weight in healthy towns".

Guishan Central Kindergarten made teaching plans according to the age characteristics of children, while Guishan Primary School invited medical staff to the campus to give lectures. In class, through watching animation videos and PPT teaching, we explain the dangers of obesity to children, advocate that children should have a balanced diet, control calorie intake, maintain good health through moderate exercise, develop good living habits, and regularly check their weight and other health indicators.

At the same time, Guishan Primary School also held a creative newspaper writing activity, where the children gave full play to their imagination and painted the healthy world in their eyes with the brushes in their hands.

(2) Multi-party interaction to safeguard "health"

At present, the temperature in Guangdong is gradually rising, the mosquito vector density is gradually increasing, and the risk of early importation of vector-borne infectious diseases such as dengue fever in Guangdong and causing large-scale sustained transmission is increasing. Recently, the social affairs service center of Guishan Town organized a comprehensive environmental health remediation action, and more than 70 people participated in the agency cadres, the village committees of the two villages, the island departments, and sanitation workers.

The action focuses on villages, markets, beaches, streets and other areas, focusing on eliminating debris and sanitary dead spots, cleaning up containers where mosquitoes and flies may reside; And urged businesses along the street and residents to consciously carry out household health cleaning, turn over POTS, remove stagnant water, eradicate the breeding environment of disease vectors, so that everyone can do it, the participation of all people, and create a healthy and livable environment.

During the Patriotic Health Month, the Social Affairs Service Center of Guishan Town gave full play to its coordinating role, and carried out the publicity and science popularization of the comprehensive and multifaceted patriotic health campaign, disease vector control, garbage classification and other knowledge with the help of publicity carriers such as publicity bars, LED broadcast screens, and wechat public accounts.

In the next step, Guishan Town will continue to promote the patriotic health movement to improve the quality and efficiency, explore the formation of a new mode of healthy town construction and promotion that is compatible with the actual local development, and guide the masses to establish health awareness, develop a healthy lifestyle, be the forerunner and practitioner of a healthy life, and form a "everyone participates, everyone participates," by carrying out diversified and diversified health theme practice activities. Co-construction and sharing "health comprehensive management of the new grid.

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